ISO 26000 is a tool for sustainability in the government, private sector and civil society
Saturday, 21 December 2019
Mr. Martin Neurwaiter announced the first private sector companies to qualify as a Qatari non-financial auditor for business development and economic sustainability and competitiveness. He was the first recipient of this certificate in the Middle East. Salim bin Hassan Al Ansari Group of Companies, this came in a press conference on Sunday, 16 Rabi Al-Akher 1440H corresponding to 16 December 2018, which brought together the Regional President of CSR International and the Group President, Mr. Jassim Bin Salem Al-Ansari, with Mr. Martin Newright, Chairman of the Committee. It is worth mentioning that the international standard for CSR is ISO 26000, a tool for achieving sustainability, which is the goal of Qatar National Vision along with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.